Stepping into the New Year, we celebrated the first café of the year by talking about adulthood in lieu of Japan’s Coming of Age Day. We discussed what makes an adult, and at what age are people really considered adults. We talked about responsibility, and realized the differences in the connection between independence and responsibility between Japan and other countries.
On Saturday Yapaka Tiranun gave us an introduction to Thailand! We tried some traditional Thai snacks and drank some traditional Thai tea, while learning a bit of Thai, and a lot about the country itself.
In the afternoon with a different crowd, we once again talked about adulthood and it was interesting as to what parents had to say in regards to their children, their independence, and perhaps how society views them.
Overall a successful café, and now we’re looking forward to next month and our adventures in Kitakata as we take the Global Community Café on its final trip away for this fiscal year!